The One-Eyed Doe

The One-Eyed Doe

An Aesop's Fable

A Doe had the mishap to lose one of her eyes, and couldn't see any one drawing closer her on that side. So to keep away from any risk she generally used to eat a high bluff close to the ocean, with her sound eye looking towards the area. By this implies she could see at whatever point the seekers drew nearer her ashore, and frequently got away by this implies. In any case, the seekers discovered that she was visually impaired of one eye, and procuring a pontoon paddled under the precipice where she used to bolster and shot her from the ocean.

"Ok," cried she with her withering voice:

Lesson of Aesop's Fable: You can't get away from your destiny

Stories With Moral--Writing from Imagination

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