Paragraphs & Short Composition


 Street Beggar

A street beggar can be seen everywhere; at the bus stop, railway stations, religious places, markets etc. Some beggars are crippled, lame and some are blind. They are unable to earn their livelihood. Whereas some are healthy and they do not deserve our sympathy. We should see that they take up some profession. They should not be allowed to beg. On my way to school I see a beggar daily. He wears old rags. He is partially blind. I feel pity seeing him but I can't help it I can only pray to God to help him to earn his livelihood.

The Doctor

The doctor is a person who looks after the sick people and prescribes medicines so that the patient recovers fast. In order to become a doctor, a person has to study medicine. Doctors lead a hard life. Their life is very busy. They get up early in the morning and go to the hospital. They work without taking a break. They always remain polite so that patients feel comfortable with them. Since doctors work so hard we must realise their value.

 Solar System

The Solar System consists of the Sun Moon and Planets. It also consists of comets, meteoroids and asteroids. The Sun is the largest member of the Solar System. In order of distance from the Sun, the planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto; the dwarf planet. The Sun is at the centre of the Solar System and the planets, asteroids, comets and meteoroids revolve around it.

 The Taj Mahal

The Taj Mahal is a beautiful monument built in 1631 by an Emperor named Shah Jahan in memory of his wife Mumtaz Mahal. It is situated on the banks of river Yamuna at Agra. It looks beautiful in the moonlight. The Taj Mahal is made up of white marble. In front of the monument, there is a beautiful garden known as the Charbagh. Inside the monument, there are two tombs. These tombs are of Shah Jahan and his wife Mumtaz Mahal. The Taj Mahal is considered as one of the Seven Wonders of the World. Many tourists come to see this beautiful structure from different parts of the world.


Delhi is the capital of India. It is situated on the banks of the river Yamuna. It is surrounded by Haryanaand Uttar Pradesh. It has some of the famous buildings and monuments such as the Qutub Minar, Reu Fort, Lotus Temple, Akshardham Temple etc. Some of the monuments are hundreds of years old. Apart from this, there is the Parliament House, the Central Secretariat and the famous Connaught place. Delhi is a beautiful city. But, it is becoming very crowded and polluted. I love Delhi a lot.

 A Snake Charmer

A snake charmer is a person who moves the streets with different types of the banks of the river Yamuna. It is snakes in his basket. He goes from one place to another to show various types of snakes and their tricks. He carries a pipe with which he plays music and snakes dance to his tune. He usually wears a colourful dress. The job of a snake charmer is quite dangerous. Some snakes are quite poisonous and can even bite him. It is not an easy task to catch and train them for the shows.

A Hawker

A hawker is a person who moves from one place to another and sell their goods, by shouting on the streets. They work hard throughout the day. They move on the street on their bicycle and sometimes on foot and sell their products. We can see hawkers everywhere. They move everywhere selling their goods without caring about the weather. There is a hawker who sells vegetables on his bicycle in our locality. His name is Manoj. He brings fresh vegetables at a very reasonable price. He is a nice and an honest hawker.

The Farmer

India is an agricultural country. Most of the people live in villages and are farmers. They grow cereals, pulses, vegetables and fruits. The farmers lead a tough life. They get up early in the morning and go to the fields. They stay and work on the farm late till evening. The farmers usually live in kuchcha houses. Though, they work hard they remain poor. Farmers eat simple food; wear simple clothes and rear animals like cows, buffaloes and oxen. Without them there would be no cereals for us to eat. They play an important role in the growth and economy of a country.
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Each One Teach One
Adult education is essential for Democracy for any country. The number of grown up illiterates is great. All college and senior School students should come forward to visit villages in the summer vacation. Each one will teach one there. This will remove illiteracy and strengthen our democracy.

 The Stampede at Wankhade Stadium
I happened to see a one day cricket match between Pakistan and Australia at Wankhade Stadium, Mumbai. I went for a fun. But I wit­nessed a horrible sight. Two thousand ticketless cricket fans gate crashed. There was a stampede. Three persons died and twenty were injured. Administration was responsible for it.

 Anti Pollution Drive
City Anti-pollution Drive demands certain steps from all the citi­zens of ABC city. All house-holders should pack the waste in a plastic bag and put the bag in front of their house. The bag will be replaced with an empty bag by the Municipal van every morning. They should maintain the cleanliness of the city. This will make the city pollution free.

 A Slum Area after the Rainy Season
My visit to a slum area after the rainy season was a sad affair. The pits were still full of rain water. There was mud all around. The polluted water had caused various diseases. There was no home without a sick person. Small children suffered from stomach troubles. The govern­ment should immediately rush to the help of the sufferers in the slum area.

 Catching a Thief
I saw a man climbing down a water pipe. He had a knife in his hand. I hit his hand with a brick. He fell down on the ground and I jumped upon him. Soon others reached there and we handed him over to the police.

 Memories of Childhood
Memories of childhood are unforgettable. I was four years old when my grandfather died. I clearly remember how everybody in the house was weeping.
Once my mother loved me very much when I had a bad dream. I broke my leg and was in plaster for two months. These and other memories still come on the inner screen of my mind very often.

 A Drowning Tragedy
A tragedy took place yesterday when a NAME Xpress  fell into a canal. The driver of the NAME Xpress tried to save an auto-rickshaw and lost con­trol on the vehicle. About fifty students were traveling in it. The people from the nearby villages saved twenty-seven students. The dead bod­ies of the drowned were recovered. It was a very painful sight.

 Joys of City Life
City life is full of fun. There are parks and picnic spots to visit. We have cinema halls to see movies. We have electricity which runs our factories, light and cools our home and helps us in seeing T.V. There are all type of amenities like water, health check up and transport. Sometimes circus shows and magic shows entertain the city people.

Bomb Blast in a Train
I was lucky to escape death by a few seconds.' A bomb blasted in the compartment of XXXX Express. The overcrowded compartment made me to get down. Anyhow the loss was great. About ten people died and many got injured. It was the job of a terrorist. The government should intensify searching operations in trains.

 Green Your City Drive
Your city has everything but trees. The trees are essential for clean environment. Thus clean environment needs green environment. Each citizen should plant a tree in the empty space before his house. He should look after it and let it grow up. The greenness will make your city worth living.

 Report about a Circus Show
The XXX Circus had added many new items to attract crowd. The usual feats of rope-walking, cycling, horse tricks were heartwarming. The lion giving ride to human child was the best of all the items. The elephant came with a tiger on its back. A jeep had a ten meter jump. The band added, charm to the whole show.

 Inauguration Ceremony of the World Trade Fair
The inauguration of the World Trade Fair 2012 was a great affair. It was inaugurated by the President . Many ministers attended the function. Almost all the countries displayed their latest items of trade for the Indian market. Thus a large gathering of Indian and foreign busi­nessmen took part in the proceedings.

 Pleasures of Reading
Reading is a blessing for men and women. The habit of reading introduces us to great masters and great minds. It enables us to pass our time usefully. We avoid bad company and live in a separate world of books. Reading kills boredom in youth and old age.

 The Limitations of Village Life
The village life offers many pleasures. But it has its own limitations too. There are no big hospitals in the village. Good drinking water is scarce these days. Transport is a problem for villagers. Facilities of education are fewer. There are shortages of many necessary things needed in our daily life.

 The First Rainy Day
It was 9th of July, I left for my office. I had not gone far when it began to rain heavily Soon the roads began to overflow. The traffic got jammed.
I went from one road to another to get a clear passage to my office. But to my ill luck, I found the traffic jammed on every road.
I found some buses deserted in deep waters. I could reach my office only after three hours of great labour.

 The Fruit I Like
I eat every fruit. Fruit is good for health. But I like apple most. Apples have many point to score over other fruits. It is tasty. It is juicy. It has more iron. It has more vitamins. It is easily digestible. We can eat this fruit before or after meal. Kashmiri apples are the best to eat.

 Advantages of Morning Walk
Morning walk has many advantages. Air is cool and fresh in the morning. Those who go for morning walk can breathe in the fresh air. They refresh their mind and body. They lose their tension. Their heart becomes stronger. They walk more. They remain happly all the day.

 A Pleasant Dream
I had a pleasant dream last night. I saw my friend in my dream. He had a newspaper in his hand. He showed me my result. There was a merit list. My name was at the top. I was very happy. And in happiness I was awakened by my mother. She had a newspaper in her hand. The newspaper still showed me on top.

 Problem of Unemployment
Unemployment is a burning problem of India today. Our schools and Universities produces more job-seeking men than the jobs avail­able. The young men only want office jobs. They do not get proficiency in some technical line. The result is that our young men roam about on the roads. The incidents of thefts and other unsocial acts are due to unemployment.

Strikes means not to go for work. It is a weapon of the weak against the strong. The workers often resorts to strikes to highlight their de­mands. Strikes are not bad but their method is bad. Worker should not go on strikes for longer periods. They should strike work for a few minutes daily to press their demands. Let the production not suffer.

Value of Trees
Trees are very valuable. They give us shade for the rest. They give shelter to birds and animals. They give us wood to burn. They supply us many necessary things of everyday life They take carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and fill it with oxygen. They cause rains. They check soil erosion. They also check floods. In short the trees are the best friends of man.

Smoking is very injurious to health. It is harmful both to a smoker and his companion. It affects lungs and causes serious diseases. One of the chief causes of ailment is smoking. It pollutes the environment too. Government should take steps to fine the people smoking at public places.

Punctuality means time-sense. To fulfil your assignments on time is punctuality. It is the ornament of a gentleman and a weapon in the hands of a boss. Those who are punctual are loved and liked by all. They finish their job in time and are able to give finishing touches needed for the job They never miss golden chances and are always success­ful in life.

 Population Problem
Population problem is a major problem of India. There is no in­crease in our resources. But there is a regular increase in our popula­tion. Our roads have more traffic. There are more men on the same land. We will have to make more schools, more hospitals and more essential things for the growing population. If we do not check this prob­lem, poverty will soon overtake us.

Population means imbalance in atmosphere. Air gets polluted with the smoke from homes, factories and vehicles. Water gets polluted with city and factory wastes. Loud noise is causing sound pollution. Dilution in fact, spreads diseases and makes life hell on earth.

 Water Pollution
Water Pollution is the worst form of pollution. Our water gets polluted when city refuge mingles with river water. The factories drain their chemicals into nearby river. The drinking water has become a problem. There is a danger to animal life in water. Many species of fish have perished. The sooner the pollution is checked the better.

 Noise Pollution
Pollution is the burning problem of today. But not much attention is paid to noise pollution. The noise from vehicles, machines and loud­speakers is deafening. People have to speak loudly to be heard. All this causes tension and lot of diseases. Government should take steps to control noise pollution.

 A Visit to a Science Fair
My Visit to a Science Fair In DBLHS. Senior Secondary School, (name of your district) was a happy experience. There were 160 exhibits on display. These model inventions showed the progress of Science in our Schools. The young scientists were explaining their inventions with pride. The best exhibit was a robot that served us tea. The fair showed the future greatness of our country.

 Rising Prices
Rising prices have made the life of common man very difficult. He cannot make both ends means. The hoarders are chiefly responsible for the rising prices. The greedy traders raise prices to get more profit. The Government should help the people. It should distribute essential commodities at fair price shops. It should also take steps to check hoarding.

 Evils of Dowry System
Dowry consists of things given by parents to their daughters at the time of their marriage. Once this was done to start life well. But the greedy parents of bridegrooms demand more money and material. Some girls have to lose their lives for bringing fewer dowries. Burning brides is daily news these days. Both the, Government and the public should discourage the dowry seekers.

 Evils of Drinking
Drinking stands for drinking of alcohol. There are many evils of drinking. It spoils once health. It affects lungs and other organs of the body. The drunkards drink much and waste their money. They cannot run their families properly. They destroy the live of their family mem­bers. In some cases they also become scoundrels.


The Moon is a barren, rocky world without air and water. It has dark lava plain on its surface. The Moon is filled wit craters. It has no light of its own. It gets its light from the Sun. The Moo keeps changing its shape as it moves round the Earth. It spins on its axis in 27.3 days stars were named after the Edwin Aldrin were the first ones to set their foot on the Moon on 21 July 1969 They reached the Moon in their space craft named Apollo II.


The sun is a huge ball of gases. It has a diameter of 1,392,000 km. It is so huge that it can hold millions of planets inside it. The Sun is mainly made up of hydrogen and helium gas. The surface of the Sun is known as the photosphere. The photosphere is surrounded by a thin layer of gas known as the chromospheres. Without the Sun, there would be no life on Earth. There would be no plants, no animals and no human beings. As, all the living things on Earth get their energy from the Sun for their survival.

Stories With Moral--Writing from Imagination

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