The Peacock and Juno
An Aesop's Fable
A Peacock once set an appeal before Juno coveting to have the voice of a songbird notwithstanding his different attractions; yet Juno denied his solicitation. When he held on, and called attention to that he was her most loved winged animal, she said:
Lesson of Aesop s Fable: Be content with your parcel; one can't be first in everything
An Aesop's Fable
A Peacock once set an appeal before Juno coveting to have the voice of a songbird notwithstanding his different attractions; yet Juno denied his solicitation. When he held on, and called attention to that he was her most loved winged animal, she said:
Lesson of Aesop s Fable: Be content with your parcel; one can't be first in everything