The Horse and the Ass

The Horse and the Ass

An Aesop's Fable

A Horse and an Ass were voyaging together, the Horse dancing along in its fine trappings, the Ass conveying with trouble the overwhelming weight in its panniers.

"I want to be you," moaned the Ass; "nothing to do and all around encouraged, and all that fine

saddle upon you."

Following day, be that as it may, there was an incredible fight, and the Horse was injured to death in the last charge of the day. His companion, the Ass, happened to go by in a matter of seconds a while later and discovered him on the purpose of death.

"I wasn't right," said the Ass:

Lesson of Aesops Fable: Better humble security than plated peril

The Horse and the Ass Fable

An Aesop's Fable

With a Moral

Aesop Author of the Fable

The Horse and the Ass

Nationality of Aesop - Ethiopian or Greek

Lifespan of Aesop - He lived around 620 - 560 BC

Life of Aesop - Slave - Author of the book of tales

Acclaimed Works - Aesop's Fable book including:

"The Goose With the Golden Eggs", "The Fisher",

"The Horse and the Ass" and "The Sick Lion"

The Horse and the Ass Fable

A Free Aesop's Fable with a good for children and youngsters

Stories With Moral--Writing from Imagination

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