The Fox Without a Tail

The Fox Without a Tail

An Aesop's Fable

It happened that a Fox got its tail in a trap, and in attempting to discharge himself lost every last bit of it however the stump. At first he was embarrassed to show himself among his kindred foxes. In any case, finally he resolved to put a bolder face upon his setback, and summoned all the foxes to a general meeting to consider a proposition which he needed to put before them. When they had collected together the Fox recommended that they if all get rid of their tails. He brought up how badly arranged a tail was when

they were sought after by their adversaries, the puppies; the amount it is standing out when they craved to take a seat and hold an amicable discussion with each other. He neglected to see any favorable position in conveying about such a futile encumbrance.

"That is all exceptionally well," said one of the more established foxes; "however I don't think you would have prescribed us to abstain from our central adornment on the off chance that you had not happened to lose it yourself."

Lesson of Aesops Fable: Distrust intrigued exhortation

The Fox Without a Tail Fable

An Aesop's Fable

With a Moral

Aesops Fables Advantage insect treatment Aesop Fables Allegory

Great Dog dutifulness preparing Ethiopians Golden Egg

Aesop Author of the Fable

The Fox Without a Tail

Nationality of Aesop - Ethiopian or Greek

Lifespan of Aesop - He lived around 620 - 560 BC

Life of Aesop - Slave - Author of the book of tales

Popular Works - Aesop's Fable book including:

"The Goose With the Golden Eggs", "The Fisher",

"The Fox Without a Tail" and "The Sick Lion"

The Fox Without a Tail Fable

A Free Aesop's Fable with a good for children and youngsters

Stories With Moral--Writing from Imagination

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